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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Bio-catalysis from primitive immune system.cmap, COULD BIO-CATALYSIS HAVE EVOLVED FROM PRIMITIVE IMMUNE SYSTEM? 2. What could be the fundamental mechanisms of bio-catalysis when magnetic body is included as a higher control level.? a) Replication of magnetic body is analogous to what happens in 3-vertex of Feynman diagram. This occurs in several scales. This would make possible dark DNA (dDNA) replication and copying of dDNA to dDNA+dRNA as well as copying of dRNA to dRNA+dark protein. b) Reconnection of U-shaped flux tubes building a bridge between primordial life form and invader molecule defines fundamental recognition mechanism allowing to become aware of the other mo- lecule. This is something new. c) Resonant interaction at cyclo- tron frequencies is made possib- le by the flux tube bridge. Dark photons at resonant interaction frequencies but with bio-photon energies induce also transitions of bio-molecules. Resonance in- teraction is self-amplifying. All mo- lecules with same cyclotron fre- quency or chemical excitation energy are excited. Means po- sitive feedback in bio-chemical control giving rise to the analog of cancer like exponential growth when combined with replication of magnetic bodies. This kind of growth might take place during early periods of cell replication., COULD BIO-CATALYSIS HAVE EVOLVED FROM PRIMITIVE IMMUNE SYSTEM? 1. The vision about exclusion zone like regions as primor- dial life forms and facts about water memory and ho- meopathy laed to a vision about how primitive immune system developed and led to genetic code. a) Dark genetic code, dark DNA, RNA, amino-acids and even tRNA are realized in terms of dark proton states. b) Primitive recognizition of presence of invader molecu- le by the cyclotron frequency spectrum of its magnetic bo- dy was fundmental step. The magnetic body of primordial life form learned to mimic that of invader molecule. c) Later dark DNA allowed symbolic representation for the 4-D folding patters of invader molecule. d) The elimination of invader was possible by phase tran- sition reducing the h_eff for connecting flux tubes follo- wed by attachment. At this stage ordinary proteins at- tached to dark proteins would have emerged and made elimination reaction possible. e) Dark DNA would have developed to provide sym- bolic representation for the 2-braiding. Concrete representation would not have been needed anymo- re and be constructed by transcription to dark pro- teins., COULD BIO-CATALYSIS HAVE EVOLVED FROM PRIMITIVE IMMUNE SYSTEM? 3. Remote gene replication might be one application. a) Assume that the portion of DNA promoting DNA rep- lication is activated by dark radiation at some frequency and that the promoter regi- on emits radiation with sa- me frequency. This activa- tes further promoter regions -also in other cell nuclei. The replication process is amplified exponentially. b) This might occur during cell division which might involve irradiation by dark analog of white noise ex- citing all promoter reqions. c) Remote replication beco- mes possible if the dark ra- diation exciting promoter region can leak to other cells or even other orga- nisms. Large h_eff might make this possible. d) Also remote transcript- ion is possible by the same mechamism. Actually remo- te variants of very many ba- sic processes seem to be possible. e) The observations of Pe- ter Gariaev about effects of last light on genes sup- port this view as well as the findings of goup of HIV Nobelist Montagnier., COULD BIO-CATALYSIS HAVE EVOLVED FROM PRIMITIVE IMMUNE SYSTEM? 2. d) The attaching of dark proteins and their ordinary counterparts to the invader molecule after h_eff reducing phase transition leading to shortening of the connecting flux tube. Gives rise to negative feedback: some protein generated by same cyclotron frequency as DNA coding it inhibits the replica- tion of DNA. The outcome is ho- meostasis.